martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010


I haven’t live in the same place all my life, but I’ve live just in two different places. Since I was born until I was 7 years old, I lived in Santiago with my parents, my sister and my grandmother. Unfortunately I just have a few memories about those years.
When I was 7 we moved to Paine, in the outskirts of Santiago and I’m still living there. I love my home, Paine is beautiful, I used to go there in holidays with my family before we moved. Where I live is the perfect mix between mountains, field and quiet and also is near to Santiago! There is a lagoon near to my house and you can see it completely from the window! It’s a very beautiful view.
The only problem of living there came when you have to travel everyday to Santiago, in my case to go to the university, it’s so hard have to wake up very early in the morning and back to home late. If I could have my entire town near to the university or even better if the university were in Paine, this would be completely perfect :)
In the future, when I have my own house I would like it to be near to my actual home or maybe in some place quiet, near to a river and with a lot of garden, but definitely not in the city.

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010


Santiago is a beautiful place to live in. I live in Paine since 2000, and, even knowing that Paine is a gorgeous place, I prefer Santiago because it has a lot of strange and unknown places to visit.
For example, once I went Santiago for the day like I always do, and I visited a place called the “sculpture’s park”, and I founded there a lot of green and interesting surprises. There were many trees (I like a lot trees) and sculptures made with different kinds of metals, and also was a pair of benches for people to sit in them. This park is about five minutes from the concrete and gray city, and it’s a relief to the smog.

Well, like I said before, I live in Paine, that’s why sometimes I feel like I’m a foreigner, a stranger, when I come to Santiago. So, if I have to name places that a foreigner or a tourist should visit, I would name, first of all, the sculpture’s park. Then, I think I will choose a mall, any mall. The reason is that a foreigner or a tourist would feel like home.

The third place I would recommend to a foreigner or a tourist would be “Plaza de Armas” It is a place full of life, with a lot of painters painting everywhere, pigeons flitting around and making funny sounds and people walking and talking all the time. I like, for example, to chase pigeons in Plaza de Armas. That’s my favorite thing to do. I like, also, to see how human statues do their shows.

Other places to visit are La Moneda, because it’s historical, Santiago’s Cathedral because of what’s represent to the Chilean people, or the Parque Araucano, because it is beautiful.